Wednesday 11 October 2017

Types of Life Predictions and Their Credibility

Have you ever wondered about your future? Like “Will you get married, will you graduate from college, will you have kids, where will you live, ex.” And don't worry, most people do wonder! Wondering about the future is a basic nature of humans. Curiosity is what we all try to satisfy first and moreover we all more curious about what the future beholds than anything else.
So here are few types of   you can opt for to satisfy your curiosity of life and their credibility:

Future predictions
All of us have certain plans for the future but are uncertain about what the future has in store. A future prediction provides predictions as to what the future has in store for us and thus, removes the uncertainties associated with it. Based on the horoscopes, astrologers provide a solution as to the future courses of action to be taken to avoid any untoward situation that may arise if proper care is not taken.

Love compatibility
Love lets you discover yourself, your needs, strengths, weaknesses, passions and emotions. True love comforts you, consoles you and gives you the support and strength needed to achieve what you desire in life. Life is boring and monotonous without love. And to make sure that the love stays for a long time we might consider Love compatibility. Where credibility of anything regarding astrology is never certain and 100% correct but it does help you figure out a small glance of the bigger picture.

Partner compatibility
No two people are a perfect match by nature. It’s absolutely normal for you to feel difficult sometimes, especially when you find a number of big differences between you and your partner. But that does not mean you are not compatible with your partner necessarily. Partner compatibility gives you an insight of the things by which you and your partners are compatible. It can also resolve issues as well as give clarity of mind.

Life forecast

Life forecasts are basically covered every aspect of your life. Starting from love, future, career, money and relationships they cover each and every aspect of your life. To get an overall view of your future life, life forecasts are the most credible and widely used type of life predictions you can rely on. 

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Know How Your Horoscope is Determined

Ever wondered why newspapers are ready to give away a considerably large space of the newspaper to the horoscope details? Well, the answer is simple! They know people read it and they know human being will always keep an eye on it, as it is about our life, survival, growth, happiness; it is about us. Most of the times, it is about our careermarriage and love life.

We all want to know what is our life going to be and horoscopes help us in it.! Earlier astrologist or horoscope readers or tarot readers were the only sources available for us, but now, the software has been developed to help us know our horoscope in detail.

But human or software, they both follow a certain guideline to reach the conclusion; and what makes us believe them is the accuracy of their predictions. Today we will see the basics of horoscope making so even we can know what we have been referring for years now.

In astrology, everything is determined by sun sign and moon sign. Your Sun sign reflects your zodiac personality, while your Moon sign, and shows your emotions, your inner mood. To know the sun sign birth date and month of birth is enough of the information, but for moon sign, you need all the details of the birth time, date, and place. Here, Zodiac plays a role too. It is made up of a large circle, within which there are 12 houses. Each of these houses is dedicated to a sun sign. In all there are 12 sun signs, out of which three are fire signs, three are water signs, three are earth signs and three are air signs.  And each sun sign has a certain list of birthdays which falls under its characteristics.

All these signs, moon, sun and planets keep traveling and changing their position in the circle. Depending upon the positions of all these entities on a particular the date or time of the day, we can predict the emotional and personality characteristics of that person.

Each planet interacts with each sung in a different way. E.g. when Mars (having a warring characteristic) enters the house of delicate Pisces, the Pisces might be told to avoid confrontation or watch for conflict during this phase.

Each planet affecting the sun sign in some way or another is responsible for influencing the entire horoscope. This includes any planet coming near to the house, any planet moving within the house, or even planets that are on the opposite side of the zodiac. All of these movements and planet positions decide the horoscope.

So whenever look for horoscope matching for your marriage or love life or opt for career horoscope, you know how they are predicting it.

Friday 1 September 2017

You Should Know This Before you for Palm Reading

Indian astrology is considered to be one of the origins of modern astrological studies. Kundali, palm reading or palmistry along with nadishastra are a few of the ways astrologers have been using in Asia to predict the future.

Astrology reports are made in palmistry on the basis of certain rules or assumptions and theories. Today in this article we would know the basics of palm reading so that we can at least be aware of the base on which the astrologers predict our future.
Palm Reading

Today we will talk about Handshape and lines on the palm.
Depending on the type of palmistry being practiced, various qualities of the hand are considered while palm reading, including the shapes, lines, fingers, color, and texture of the skin. Apart from this, relative sizes of the palm and fingers are taken into consideration.
Usually, palm readers make four divisions of hands on the basis of the shape and other features.
·         Earth hands: These are wide or broad hands with square palms and fingers. These hands have a thick skin with ruddy color. Plus, the length of fingers equals the length of core palm (from wrist to the bottom of the fingers)
·         Air hands: These hands have square or rectangular palms with long fingers and often dry skin.  Plus, the length of fingers equals the length of core palm (from wrist to the bottom of the fingers).
·         Water hands: These hands are long, often with an oval-shaped palm. They exhibit long, flexible fingers with a conical shape. The length of the palm (from wrist to the bottom of the fingers) is usually less than the width of the palm but usually, equals to the length of the fingers.
·         Fire hands: These hands come with a square or rectangular palm, pink skin, and shorter fingers. The length of the palm (from wrist to the bottom of the fingers) is often greater than the length of the fingers.
Apart from the shape of the hands and other discussed features, the lined on the palms speak a lot too.
Almost every person’s palm has these three lines on them, namely, heart line, head line, and life line. And these lines are usually given the most importance by palm readers.
  • The heart line is the first of the major lines considered by palm readers. It represents love and attraction. It is located at the top of the palm (under the fingers). This line reflects our emotional living; It also indicates romantic perspectives and intimate relationships. By a physical or biological perspective, the heart line is indirectly associated with heart health.

  • The next line considered by palm readers is the head line. The head line is interpreted as a line which shows the way person’s mind works, including learning & communication style, intellectualism, etc.

  • The life line is probably the most debatable line on the hand. This line starts from palm above the thumb and makes an arc towards the wrist. This line is believed to show the person's vitality and vigour, physical health or a general well being.
Apart from these three common and crucial lines, palm reading also considers the following lines on the palm. These lines are sun line, the girdle of Venus, Union lines, Mercury lines, Travel lines etc.

Palmistry considers all this information along with many other small and yet influencing data available on the palm of each person to make an astrology report of every individual.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Astrology and Human Life

‘Hey, what are you going to do after high school?  we all ask this or have asked this to our classmates and friends. Most of them were clueless, but let's keep that part. Or let us just not keep that aside. This stage of being clueless is too much at times!

Not knowing the next step scares most of us to the bones. And we start seeking a help from our closed ones or ask teachers or counselors for the guidance. But everyone suggests different things making us more confused about our future and career.

In such situations, astrology can help you out to a huge extent. Astrology is a century old study of stars, the universe, and human life. Whenever we think of guidance in any phase of our life, astrology reports made on the basis of your birth time, date place and other details would be of a great help.
astrology report

Sometimes, because of the rumors surrounding the study of astrology or some misunderstandings about this field make people stay away from it. They try not to look for career horoscope or any other future predictions.

But if one looks at it with open eyes, one would be able to see the factual base on which the whole study has got developed. Astrology is a study which is literally centuries old. Many countries and civilization across the globe have developed their own study of astrology and they do predictions accordingly.

The very fact that it has been in a use for so many hundreds of years shows that the study definitely has proved itself right in the test of time. Which way to choose and which guideline to follow is everybody’s individual choice. As they say, ‘each to its own’.

But in the time of emergency and while taking any crucial decision of our life, we need to consider every little detail. If by chance an astrology report is showing something negative on the way, then it is a warning bell and we simply have to make arrangements accordingly.

Astrology is not a hurdle in your life, rather it was developed to help human grow! It is study learned by sages and intellectuals from history and present to know life better and if possible to know the future events or happenings in advance so that the needful can be done and the calamity if any can be controlled or at least the effect can be reduced to the minimal.

Friday 4 August 2017

Feel Secured by Knowing your Bhavishya

One of the most attractive words to human mind is future predictions or as some call it Bhavishya.  Some might be in favor of this some might be against, some simply will decide not to talk on it firmly or publically, but this word has been buzzing in the human mind for centuries.

It is a human tendency to know everything he is surrounded by.  We do not like uncertainties as we have been trained by our family, society to plan things, to plan our future to plan next day, next hour.

We are so much addicted to the concept of planning that we feel the need to know about the probable happenings of our own future. Plus if we know that some events might take place, we get time to prepare our self for that.

Plus, we are afraid of sudden changes in routine. Very few people are flexible to adaptation. Most of us want security and want things to happen only in a way we want, if not we want to know what is it that would happen against our wish.

Most of the people get attracted to astrology out of fear; Fear of unknown! And they find solace in astrology. Getting a rough idea of what might happen in future helps them to be calm and prepared.

So basically, Kundali making or future predictions is the crucial part of our personal disaster management operations.

Future Predictions

Kundali is an integral part of the traditional Hindu astrology. It can be prepared by following four varied methods namely- South Indian system, North Indian system, East Indian system and system used in western countries. Though the basic calculations remain the same, their patterns are different.

As per the Hindu astrology, the detail of birth plays an inevitable role in outlining bhavishya of any person. Once the birth time and place is known the astrologer can pay attention to the other important factors such as dasa and Antar Dasa, sun sign, moon sign, dosha, Lagna Rashi, a position of planets so on and so forth. All these details are then placed in kundali or Patrika of that person and then predictions are made as per the procedure. 

Thursday 27 July 2017

Know your Bhavishya and control it!

At one point or other, most of us have done this! Have not we?  I am talking about trying to know our Bhavishya or future predictions. Most of us have at least one person in our acquaintance who knows how to read palm and we do consult that person, casually or genially.

Nobody wants to fail in life, nobody wants to lose what they love, and everybody wants to be successful. And to assure our self of the stability we try different things. Consulting astrologers is one of them. Even if they are there to tell us own future prediction, they charge extremely high for that.
But we continue their service because we think we have no other better option. But we are wrong. I am happy to introduce you to the app which guarantees 100% accurate bhavishya that too with very lesser charges.The name of this amazing helpful app is Astrology Garden.

future prediction

It is an easy to use, simple and yet extremely helpful app one must have in the mobile. The app provides you with the services such as Tarot card reading, kundali matching, numerology and Life forecast, daily horoscope, love compatibility, horoscope matching for marriage and many other.
All the user will have to do is, download the app, get registered and have a sneak peek into your future. The future prediction which you will be told here will help you to step right decisions in your life. Once you enquire for your desired services you will be replied immediately and your queries will be taken care of
The app has a team of experts behind it with which will serve you with Kundali reading, answering questions related to your career, love life, marriage, health, abroad travel opportunities etc. To help you knowing these details about your life, the app will ask for a few details such as name, date of birth, place of birth, time of birth, your contact details to send the result.

As per our Hindu tradition and old culture, date of birth has a significant value in astrology. Hence, the app uses the same trusted traditional method to help you out.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Love Compatibility Types and Theirs pros

“What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are but how you deal with incompatibility.” Well said by Leo Tolstoy though knowing your Love compatibility can give you one clear answer about what you have to deal with and what are your strong points. There are endless ways of counting your love compatibility though and here are few commonly tried ones and their pros:
love compatibility

Zodiac sign Love Compatibility:

One of the most commonly used compatibility types is Zodiac sign love compatibility. There are 12 Zodiac signs each with a distinct character and nature. And according to life destiny your zodiac sign in this kind of compatibility test can show some exact points why you are compatible and why not. Some best compatible signs are:

·         Aries and Gemini
·         Taurus and Cancer
·         Gemini and Aries
·         Cancer and Taurus
·         Leo and Libra
·         Virgo and Capricorn
·         Sagittarius and Aquarius
·         Capricorn and Taurus
·         Pisces and Cancer
·         Libra and Gemini
·         Scorpio and Cancer
·         Aquarius and Sagittarius

Blood type Love compatibility:

While astrological signs are the main method used by most people, others say it’s just in your blood. According to a Japanese periodical, it’s common for women to look for their potential mates on the basis of their blood type. So the next time you seek a potential date, it might just be sufficient to ask for his or her blood type.

Date of birth Love compatibility:

This type of love compatibility is done through the calculation of you and your partner’s date of birth. This is more accurate in terms of your planets. As this calculation not only counts your compatibility but also sees the effect of your partner on your planetary movements.

Though there are other love compatibilities like Tarot card readings, Name compatibility and many more, these are the mix of new and old techniques of finding compatibility nowadays. There are various apps also available for horoscope and compatibility readings like Astrology Garden where you can find out how and what you and your partner will have to deal with.