Friday 4 August 2017

Feel Secured by Knowing your Bhavishya

One of the most attractive words to human mind is future predictions or as some call it Bhavishya.  Some might be in favor of this some might be against, some simply will decide not to talk on it firmly or publically, but this word has been buzzing in the human mind for centuries.

It is a human tendency to know everything he is surrounded by.  We do not like uncertainties as we have been trained by our family, society to plan things, to plan our future to plan next day, next hour.

We are so much addicted to the concept of planning that we feel the need to know about the probable happenings of our own future. Plus if we know that some events might take place, we get time to prepare our self for that.

Plus, we are afraid of sudden changes in routine. Very few people are flexible to adaptation. Most of us want security and want things to happen only in a way we want, if not we want to know what is it that would happen against our wish.

Most of the people get attracted to astrology out of fear; Fear of unknown! And they find solace in astrology. Getting a rough idea of what might happen in future helps them to be calm and prepared.

So basically, Kundali making or future predictions is the crucial part of our personal disaster management operations.

Future Predictions

Kundali is an integral part of the traditional Hindu astrology. It can be prepared by following four varied methods namely- South Indian system, North Indian system, East Indian system and system used in western countries. Though the basic calculations remain the same, their patterns are different.

As per the Hindu astrology, the detail of birth plays an inevitable role in outlining bhavishya of any person. Once the birth time and place is known the astrologer can pay attention to the other important factors such as dasa and Antar Dasa, sun sign, moon sign, dosha, Lagna Rashi, a position of planets so on and so forth. All these details are then placed in kundali or Patrika of that person and then predictions are made as per the procedure. 

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