Wednesday 6 September 2017

Know How Your Horoscope is Determined

Ever wondered why newspapers are ready to give away a considerably large space of the newspaper to the horoscope details? Well, the answer is simple! They know people read it and they know human being will always keep an eye on it, as it is about our life, survival, growth, happiness; it is about us. Most of the times, it is about our careermarriage and love life.

We all want to know what is our life going to be and horoscopes help us in it.! Earlier astrologist or horoscope readers or tarot readers were the only sources available for us, but now, the software has been developed to help us know our horoscope in detail.

But human or software, they both follow a certain guideline to reach the conclusion; and what makes us believe them is the accuracy of their predictions. Today we will see the basics of horoscope making so even we can know what we have been referring for years now.

In astrology, everything is determined by sun sign and moon sign. Your Sun sign reflects your zodiac personality, while your Moon sign, and shows your emotions, your inner mood. To know the sun sign birth date and month of birth is enough of the information, but for moon sign, you need all the details of the birth time, date, and place. Here, Zodiac plays a role too. It is made up of a large circle, within which there are 12 houses. Each of these houses is dedicated to a sun sign. In all there are 12 sun signs, out of which three are fire signs, three are water signs, three are earth signs and three are air signs.  And each sun sign has a certain list of birthdays which falls under its characteristics.

All these signs, moon, sun and planets keep traveling and changing their position in the circle. Depending upon the positions of all these entities on a particular the date or time of the day, we can predict the emotional and personality characteristics of that person.

Each planet interacts with each sung in a different way. E.g. when Mars (having a warring characteristic) enters the house of delicate Pisces, the Pisces might be told to avoid confrontation or watch for conflict during this phase.

Each planet affecting the sun sign in some way or another is responsible for influencing the entire horoscope. This includes any planet coming near to the house, any planet moving within the house, or even planets that are on the opposite side of the zodiac. All of these movements and planet positions decide the horoscope.

So whenever look for horoscope matching for your marriage or love life or opt for career horoscope, you know how they are predicting it.

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