Wednesday 1 February 2017

Do Humans Still Believe In the Efficacy of Love Horoscope

Astrology is a science of understanding the natural world and our position in it with origins in early Egypt, China, Greece, Mesopotamia and Sumeria.
There is no earthly nor does any heavenly reason exist why a person should believe that space matter has any control over our lives!

But, internet and newspaper horoscopes? Aww…C’mon! They probably don’t know two cents about your life!
The first innovative newspaper horoscope column was published by R.H. Naylor, a British astrologer from the 20th century. Naylor was an assistant to high-society neo-shaman, Cheiro (born William Warner) who was a palmist and who was routinely doing celebrity star charts.
love horoscope

A man today reads a love horoscope for awide range of reasons- fun, inquisitiveness, amusement, genuine interest, to gauge luck, suspense, and so on.

However, whatever may be the reason, we have to accept that they are hugely popular!
To tell all of you the truth, whenever I look at a horoscope, my eyes are inclined to the prediction of my star sign: Leo. I am always hoping that there will be something unique in store for me, even if there may be millions of Leos out there. Recently, I being a puberty afflicted teenager, find myself looking at astrology in relation to love horoscope.
love horoscope

Philosophically, there is something about reading a love horoscope that implies a placement of ‘thyself’.
I think it allows us to see ourselves as subsets in a much larger macrocosm.

Humans are pattern associates’. We have a very powerful predisposition to notice similarities in nature and the universe, and sometimes we see more than there actually is! There is an evolutionary theory for this, in short a false positive is less risky than failure in observation of the truth.

 People generally believe things happen for a reason, and they invent laws and theories to support their wild conclusions!
A love horoscope is not just about future predictions, but more about telling actual personality traits in an individual. Many online applications exist today.

In recent studies, I have found that for some crowds, theology offers a map with which to chart the paths for their lives; for others, it’s the structure of the universe itself that provides the tools for voyaging. I believe in love horoscope not so much for its ability to predict futures, but for its interactive delivery — the way it asks me to look at the events of my life as part of a larger subset of cycles of ‘births-deaths’. Astrology belongs in the land of the mystical, and may gravitate to the esoteric genre; however, it is this ‘mystery’ that makes life worth living!

Richard Dawkins, the progressive atheist, once said that astrology belittles astronomy, psychology and human personality. I for one think that a love horoscope goes further than plain astrology, in that it even predicts who your love mate will be and when you are most likely to meet him/her. It is one step further in the evolution of simple astrology.

Today, I make use of Astrology Garden, a fantastic app that is very authentic in its predictions. Let us hope they continue!

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