Tuesday 28 February 2017

Horoscope Matching as a Means of Determining Compatibility in a Marriage

The decision to marry another person and bringing that person into your life is a crucial one, which needs a good amount of consideration. This is one decision that can change the course of the rest of your life. Now, whether your life fares for the better or worse, depends on the level of compatibility with your partner. Marriage either results in one leading a pleasing and contented life or an insufferable life marked by regular quarrels and disputes, which often lead to separation and divorce. Thus, compatibility is a very important factor that goes into making or breaking a marriage. Vedic Astrology is a highly reliable tool to determine compatibility between two people before they decide to get married, by using the technique of horoscope matching.

Horoscope matching formarriage is an age-old practice, which as the name suggests, is the practice of matching horoscopes of two individuals before the final decision of their marriage is taken. Matching the horoscopes helps in determining the probable level of compatibility and understanding between the prospective couple. This, in turn, determines whether the two individuals will form a good married pair or not.
Horoscope matching for marriage

The process of horoscope matching for marriage involves the study of the horoscopes of the male and the female by an astrologer. The astrologer will compare the zodiac signs, as well as the planetary positions and alignments that are formed in the horoscope of one person, with that of the other. Based on this, the eight aspects of compatibility which include mental compatibility, longevity, health, wealth, childbirth, separate tendencies and likeness are drawn and the compatibility is calculated on a scale with a maximum value of 36.

In Vedic astrology, this process is called Gun Milan or Kundli Milan. A compatibility score of more than 18 is a desirable one, which predicts a favorable match between the two persons. There are certain cases when the compatibility score comes out to be 36 out of 36. This is regarded as a highly favorable situation, which shows that the couple is highly compatible and are a perfect match for one another. A score less than 18 is considered unfavorable and the couple is declared incompatible. This, however, does not bring the story to an end. The astrologer finds out the causes of incompatibility and suggests measures that can eliminate these causes and increase the compatibility between the two persons.

Compatibility is one of the building blocks of a healthy marital life.  An incompatible couple is an unhappy couple. A horoscope matching provides the couple with the insights as to what are the factors that may affect the compatibility of the couple. It then relies on the married duo to take upon the task of making their marriage a successful and happy one.

Thursday 16 February 2017

The Top 4 Methods of Fortune Telling

The future, as we all know, is uncertain. However, are you one of those people who are curious to know what the future has in store for you? If yes, then you may be interested in what I am about to tell you.

 Just last summer, one of my good friends visited a palmist, who predicted that a good news is awaiting her this year. And guess what, she just got the news two weeks back that her boyfriend’s parents, who had initially opposed the idea of their getting married due to caste differences, had finally agreed to the marriage. A happy moment indeed! She called me to inform about the happy news and reminded me about the astrologer’s predictions. This piqued my curiosity and I began to do some research on the net and found out that the practice of predicting the future is prevalent across many cultures. So here I present to you the four most common methods of fortune telling that are popular across the world.

fortune teller

1. Vedic Astrology

    Vedic astrology, also called Hindu astrology or Jyotish, is an ancient practice of fortune telling and providing insights into one’s life, which finds mention in the ancient Indian texts. The practice of Vedic astrology revolves around the planetary positions and how they affect the different aspects of a person’s life. The practice includes providing horoscope by date of birth and also the time and place of birth, taking into account the corresponding planetary transitions.

2. Palmistry
     This is another method of fortune telling, believed to have been developed by ancient Indian sages. Palmists study the various lines on the palms of our hands (which they have names for, like the life line, head line, heart line, etc.) and based on the readings, provide people with their horoscopes. This is particularly useful for those who don’t have the information about their dates and times of birth.

3. Tarot Reading
      This is a well-known practice dating back to the 15th century. A tarot reader uses a deck of cards, called tarot cards, usually 78 in number, to make predictions. He or she shuffles the deck of cards, and based on the card picked up randomly from among the deck of cards, provides answers to the queries regarding the future.

4. Numerology
       Numerology deals with the mystical properties of numbers. This practice is gaining popularity in the western countries. According to numerology, the mystical or occult properties of numbers come from their inherent “vibration”. Numerologists take into account the date of birth of a person and his or her full name and after making certain calculations, derive the secrets contained in the numbers and thus, provide insights about a person’s life and about upcoming situations.

There are other methods of fortune telling such as crystal gazing and Chinese astrology, but these are not as prevalent as the first four. So if you are anxious to know your future, now you know where to go and whom to approach. I, for one, am planning to visit the astrologer who had predicted the “good news” of my friend.

Saturday 11 February 2017

Love Horoscopes and Their Significance

Love.. Such a wonderful feeling! Falling in love is an altogether different feeling, which only those who fall in love experience. However, for some people, it becomes a terrible experience – fights, quarrels, more fights, then a break-up or divorce. Here comes the factor of compatibility. Compatibility is a very important factor which decides how two partners get along with one another and it decides the future course of their relationship. In that case, a couple seeking a love horoscope is not an uncommon practice.

In astrology, the practice of providing a love horoscope, which provides the compatibility quotient of a couple, is an age-old practice. Couples seek the advice of an astrologer before deciding to get engaged. The astrologer deduces their respective horoscopes using different methods, which varies from culture to culture, and then matches the horoscopes to determine the compatibility of the couple. The astrologer then provides suggestions as to the steps necessary to be taken to maintain a healthy relationship between the couple.

Libra Love Horoscope for today

The practices suggested by the astrologer are provided after coming to know the traits of both the persons. The astrological readings provide him the strong and the weak points of both the people and which of their characteristics will be constructive as well as destructive for the relationship. Based on these analyses, he provides them the insights into their characters and advises them as to which of their behaviors are to be kept under control and which of them to be used to ensure that the relationship becomes a harmonious one.

So how do we know whether the predictions work?

The answer is simple. We don’t. When a person goes to an astrologer to get a love horoscope, it shows his level of sincerity and involvement in the relationship. And the advice that astrologers generally offers normally include removal of those toxic behaviors that are responsible for ruining relationships. An astrologer foresees these toxic elements and advises the couple to get rid of these elements. A dedicated couple will take his advice and work towards achieving their relationship goals. 

Wednesday 8 February 2017

The Benefits of Consulting a Horoscope

A horoscope is the forecast of a person’s future as well as a depiction of his character and the circumstances that will arise in his lifetime, based on the relative position of celestial bodies like the stars, planets and the moon. The most common form of horoscopes that we see every day are the ones published in newspapers, magazines and those found on the internet. Most of us, however, are not aware of the real benefits that a horoscope offers. Let us have a look at the different aspects of our lives where a horoscope can play an important part.

1.  All of us have certain plans for the future but are uncertain about what the future has in store. A horoscope provides predictions as to what the future has in store for us and thus, removes the uncertainties associated with it. Based on the horoscopes, astrologers provide a solution as to the future courses of action to be taken to avoid an untoward situation that may arise if proper care is not taken.

2. While some people have a definite career plan, some just go with the flow. But whatever the career path, all of us are concerned about which direction we are heading and questions like “Is this the right career choice for me?” or “I am not satisfied with this job. Should I change jobs?” may pester our minds. A horoscope provides one with the knowledge of which career path would be suitable according to his or her character. It also advises on when is a suitable time to apply for a promotion, change jobs, or apply for a job.


3. A horoscope provides one an insight on his or her love life and relationship with friends and family. It lets one know beforehand about the characteristics of one’s lover or spouse and accordingly, provides solutions as to how to handle his or her love life and similarly, other relationships to avoid any relationship crisis.
4. A horoscope also provides one with the insight to his or her financials and instructs people on how to handle their money in order to have a healthy financial future. This feature of a horoscope is very popular with business people and helps them in making big financial decisions.

These are a few of the benefits that consulting a horoscope brings. A horoscope helps eliminate uncertainties about the future and helps in aligning the different aspects of one’s life like career, health, wealth, and relationships, towards having a harmonious life.

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Do Humans Still Believe In the Efficacy of Love Horoscope

Astrology is a science of understanding the natural world and our position in it with origins in early Egypt, China, Greece, Mesopotamia and Sumeria.
There is no earthly nor does any heavenly reason exist why a person should believe that space matter has any control over our lives!

But, internet and newspaper horoscopes? Aww…C’mon! They probably don’t know two cents about your life!
The first innovative newspaper horoscope column was published by R.H. Naylor, a British astrologer from the 20th century. Naylor was an assistant to high-society neo-shaman, Cheiro (born William Warner) who was a palmist and who was routinely doing celebrity star charts.
love horoscope

A man today reads a love horoscope for awide range of reasons- fun, inquisitiveness, amusement, genuine interest, to gauge luck, suspense, and so on.

However, whatever may be the reason, we have to accept that they are hugely popular!
To tell all of you the truth, whenever I look at a horoscope, my eyes are inclined to the prediction of my star sign: Leo. I am always hoping that there will be something unique in store for me, even if there may be millions of Leos out there. Recently, I being a puberty afflicted teenager, find myself looking at astrology in relation to love horoscope.
love horoscope

Philosophically, there is something about reading a love horoscope that implies a placement of ‘thyself’.
I think it allows us to see ourselves as subsets in a much larger macrocosm.

Humans are pattern associates’. We have a very powerful predisposition to notice similarities in nature and the universe, and sometimes we see more than there actually is! There is an evolutionary theory for this, in short a false positive is less risky than failure in observation of the truth.

 People generally believe things happen for a reason, and they invent laws and theories to support their wild conclusions!
A love horoscope is not just about future predictions, but more about telling actual personality traits in an individual. Many online applications exist today.

In recent studies, I have found that for some crowds, theology offers a map with which to chart the paths for their lives; for others, it’s the structure of the universe itself that provides the tools for voyaging. I believe in love horoscope not so much for its ability to predict futures, but for its interactive delivery — the way it asks me to look at the events of my life as part of a larger subset of cycles of ‘births-deaths’. Astrology belongs in the land of the mystical, and may gravitate to the esoteric genre; however, it is this ‘mystery’ that makes life worth living!

Richard Dawkins, the progressive atheist, once said that astrology belittles astronomy, psychology and human personality. I for one think that a love horoscope goes further than plain astrology, in that it even predicts who your love mate will be and when you are most likely to meet him/her. It is one step further in the evolution of simple astrology.

Today, I make use of Astrology Garden, a fantastic app that is very authentic in its predictions. Let us hope they continue!


The future is uncertain and people are curious. They are always in search of answers, especially with their interests in mind.
When will I get the promotion I so deserve?
When should I get married?

Why are things spiraling out of control? When will life turn out to be good for me?
If your mind is occupied with questions like these, and you are anxious about the future, it is advisable that you get a life forecast from a renowned astrologer. You may, in the process, get to know more about yourself. You may, as a matter of fact, land up knowing the answers to more deep-seated questions related to your life.
Astrology is an ancient practice developed thousands of years ago and the knowledge has been passed down across generations. And it has stood the test of time. Why? The answer is simple. Because it works!
life forecast

Getting a life forecast from an astrologer has become one of the common aspects of astrology. People come to the astrologer in the hopes of gaining knowledge about what the future has in store for them and getting solutions to their problems. A life forecast provides them with insights relating to upcoming events that may take place in the future and how to cope up with any untoward situation that may arise in the future. An astrologer predicts a person’s future based on certain calculations which take into account the position of celestial bodies and how they are positioned with respect to each other. A life forecast provides one with answers related to various aspects of his or her life. These aspects include one’s career, family, love life, health wealth, etc.

Nowadays, with the advent of technology, our mobile phones have become the magic wand that performs various tasks for us while we enjoy the comfort of our couch. We can pay our bills, we can transfer money, and we can recharge our mobile phones, and also order food using our mobile phones. And there are mobile apps which can also predict our horoscopes too! Yes, you heard me right. There are certain mobile apps (like Astrology Garden) which take a few basic information from you, like your date and time of birth, and your place of birth, and can give predictions about your life after analysis by the astrology experts who are provided with the data entered by you.

So, if you are anxious about the times to come and are interested in knowing what the future has in store for you, get a life forecast from a good astrologer, and if you don’t happen to find one nearby, you can always check out those astrology apps.