Monday 12 June 2017

Why You Cannot Dismiss an Astrology Report so Easily These Days!

From whatever angle you look at it, it is important that kismet or destiny has some value or the other. If you see from the perspective of Astrology Garden, destiny is the whole and sole of the day-to-day business. Sometimes, people feel that their destiny depends on their own efforts. Although this is 100 percent true and our destiny INDEED DOES depend on our karma, what people tend to forget is that the results they are seeing right now are also the fruits of previous efforts!

Therefore, it should be noted that an astrology report only indicates that a particular thing may or may not happen, it definitely DOES NOT LEAD to the outcome! Therefore, let it be clear that a horoscope or natal chart simply points out and does not change the course of any events.
That being said, have you had to face some days on which you were very worried about the outcome of any particular event? May be about that favorite baseball game of yours? Or maybe that lingering question about whether, when, and where you will find your perfect soul-mate?
Well…no need to worry anymore, since the Astrology Garden app is here!  This is a ‘go-to application’ for all (even seasoned) astrologers!
astrology report

What Astrology Garden can do for you!

  • Make you realize what God has in store for you through an intricate all-encompassing universal plan (also known as your kismet).
  • To generate the truth (in its raw form) and present it in the most positive optimistic manner possible.
  • To look at all events in life as happening ultimately for the universal good (the greater good).
  • To facilitate higher level of acceptance of astrologers and the work they do in general, but also for an acceptance of whatever life throws at you in particular!  
  • To produce a sound astrology report that will not only tell you facts (from the mystical invisible world) before they appear in the visible world, but also inspire you from time to time.

As you can see, while not just speaking in esoteric terms, we are here to tell you that kismet is a concept that has to be taken seriously! Astrology Garden is not just for serious pursuers, but also for the ones who are light hearted and just looking for some amusement!

Tuesday 6 June 2017

What a Career Horoscope can Tell you about Your Career

Everybody is looking at horoscopes, but all for the wrong reasons. Some Romeo is looking for love, or another stock analyst is watching in terms of financial gains, some other person is watching in terms of his health prospects. Very few people actually search in terms of career horoscope!
While careers are most crucial facets in people’s lives, it is important to note that what is even more important is the understanding of ourselves in depth in such a way so as to be able to perform a very good job and improve the lives of people! This is the role of a career horoscope!
Career Horoscope

It goes beyond just saying that which person is suitable for which job and goes more into the scope of who is more better aligned and inclined to a particular job profile. Thus it goes far beyond a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer!

Let’s see the typical work environments of the 12 zodiac signs shall we:
·         Aries: Being headstrong, dynamic and outspoken individuals, these people like ambitious roles. The careers which they are inclined towards are Adventurist, Media Person, Politician, and so on.
·         Taurus: Reliability, honesty, security are all qualities that define a Taurean. Such men are methodical, down to earth, and humble.  Career horoscope suggests that  these people lean towards  banks and financial firms, food industry or luxury sales.
·         Gemini: This multi faced zodiac sign possesses intelligent individuals that are very active. So much so that you may see sparks coming out of their brains. Such witty people are at home working as lawyers, actors, dramatists, marketing executives , and so on.
·          Cancer: This zodiac sign is very oriented with numbers and goes where there is money. They also love to cook! Career Horoscope suggests that these signs are more suited for careers such as Hotel Managers, Hospitality Industry, etc.
·         Leo: Lions always like to stay put in the limelight. They just love to teach others and follow rules. Breaking any rule is literally a sin in their dictionary. These people are sometimes labeled as being perfectionists. They can be satisfied in only the top-most positions like principals, supervisors, directors, ceo, actors, etc.
·         Virgo: These people also lean a bit towards the perfectionist side. They are ‘ideal’ in whatever they do! They do well as research fellows, analysts, journalists, editors, Human Resource professionals, coaches, and so on. Career Horoscope suggests that these people have the capacity to go very high in academics!
·         Libra: Librans seek harmony and balance. They have a tendency for honesty and a capacity to please the other person. They do well in the hospitality industry, judges, actors, negotiators, mediators, politicians, diplomats, strategists, etc. Librans generally achieve great heights in spirituality!
·         Scorpio: These people are mysterious by nature. They make great investigators, detectives, police, military officers, commanders, secret service agents, analysts, system testers, astrologers and so on. These people are very suited for the study of mystical sciences like black magic, hypnotism, psychiatry, psychology!
·         Sagittarius: This sign is all about adventure. These people make great sportsmen. Their bodies also have a strong build. They are at times impulsive. They can also make good Adventure Trekkers, animal trainers, Owners and Proprietors of NGOs!
·         Capricorn: Many Capricorns are workaholics. They are very organizational in nature. They can prosper in jobs like Professional Organizer, Managerial Consultant, Priest, social worker, and so on.
·         Aquarius: Career Horoscope knows that these people have a slight tinge of eccentricity in their blood! These people like to do things at their own whims. But at the same time they are very down to earth. These people do well as teachers, bank clerks, Photographers, astrologers, etc.
·         Pisces: Pisceans are very soft spoken people with a tendency to deviate in the direction the wind blows! They are imaginative and creative. They can be good as creative artists, writers, Dramatists, and photographers.

Be sure to consider all the information concerning your zodiac sign to get a good grasp on your inclination! 

Thursday 1 June 2017

Why Wise People Believe in and Believe in Zodiac Prediction!

Have you ever have had an intuition? I have many. And some have led me on a course of path such that my life was saved.  All in all overall, I am happy for my kismet. I believe Astrology Garden to be the best and most accurate astrology application in this chaotic age.

Let me tell all of the non-believers that zodiac prediction is not just about forecasting the future for cheap materialistic gains. It’s more about what seems to be the basic personality of each zodiac sign or of a person with a particular natal chart/horoscope. It is more about having the foresight of what color suits you rather than what color does the stars have in store for me. For an unemployed person, it means understanding himself in detail to understand what job he is likely to like and perform better rather than will he get that 6 figure job at Google?

zodiac prediction

The application Astrology Garden can provide tremendous benefits to those wise people who have the patience to not jump to conclusions or for those who just read for amusement. Those people who are quick to jump to conclusions will be disappointed quickly!
That is why this application is for those people who have the mood to look at life in a humorous way or for those people who have common sense and a basic understanding, patience in life. Three important qualities that wise men possess are:

  • Self Confidence: When believing in kismet, it is important to have self confidence that in the end, every event happens ultimately ONLY for the universal good.
  • Willpower: The will ‘to succeed’ is very important quality. This makes wise people to not give up hope and not to be discouraged very easily. To not lose faith in zodiac prediction.
  • Putting in efforts: While gracefully accepting their destiny, these people have the consciousness to not stop trying for what they believe in!

In life there are three categories of people- the people who always complain, the people who are ignorant and can be swayed either way, and finally those that like to look at each event in a positive light. There are people who want to achieve things easily, faster and to put blame on planets for their failures. Then there are people who have the foresight to embrace challenges of life gracefully and understand their past life Karma and use it, not to fight destiny, but to accept it much easily with awareness! Astrology Garden in a modern-day practical app for these people!