Wednesday 29 March 2017

Love Horoscopes

In astrology, the practice of providing a love horoscope, which provides the compatibility quotient of a couple, is an age-old practice. Couples seek the advice of an astrologer before deciding to get engaged. The astrologer deduces their respective horoscopes using different methods, which varies from culture to culture, and then matches the horoscopes to determine the compatibility of the couple. The astrologer then provides suggestions as to the steps necessary to be taken to maintain a healthy relationship between the couple.

Love.. Such a wonderful feeling! Falling in love is an altogether different feeling, which only those who fall in love experience. However, for some people, it becomes a terrible experience – fights, quarrels, more fights, then a break-up or divorce. Here comes the factor of compatibility. Compatibility is a very important factor which decides how two partners get along with one another and it decides the future course of their relationship. In that case, a couple seeking a love horoscope is not an uncommon practice.

love horoscope

The practices suggested by the astrologer are provided after coming to know the traits of both the persons. The astrological readings provide him the strong and the weak points of both the people and which of their characteristics will be constructive as well as destructive for the relationship. Based on these analyses, he provides them the insights into their characters and advises them as to which of their behaviors are to be kept under control and which of them to be used to ensure that the relationship becomes a harmonious one.
love horoscope

So how do we know whether the predictions work?

The answer is simple. We don’t. When a person goes to an astrologer to get a love horoscope, it shows his level of sincerity and involvement in the relationship. And the advice that astrologers generally offers normally include removal of those toxic behaviors that are responsible for ruining relationships. An astrologer foresees these toxic elements and advises the couple to get rid of these elements. A dedicated couple will take his advice and work towards achieving their relationship goals. 

Monday 6 March 2017

Partner Compatibility: Signs you are ‘tolerable’ to Your ‘Better Half’!

The Fact: Perfect Matches don’t exist! You can find a lot of differences between you and your love. There are many variables that determine the longevity of your affair. Many well-known variables are known. At the same time, there exist some not-so-famous signs, that may confuse you at first, but later on make sense! Its sometimes the wacky and weird stuff that makes a pristine relation possible.

Many times when people hear the words partner compatibility, they imagine comfort, giddiness, delight, perfect communication, and so on.

When it comes to the ‘dating-game’ we all have our weird wish lists. The funny thing is that this list keeps on changing as we mature and evolve. Researchers at the Kinsey Institute discovered that as internal changes go on in a person, partner compatibility becomes a moving target!
Partner compatibility
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I contacted actual dating experts and PUA gurus to find out what really makes relations tick. It’s easy to fantasize about Hollywood-style affairs where everything is lovey-dovey and picture-perfect. But Hollywood-techniques may not succeed in real life! Fortunately, there are some ways to tell if you are a best-fit match.

  • Some Common Ground: You and your love have some common interests, like, volunteering efforts to a NGO, maybe? You both act supplementary so that you bring out the best in one another.
  • In Phase Financially: Partner compatibility involves both the partners to have same values for same items that are on sale! If your hubby buys an expensive perfume, and you are for Global Warming, then Houston, we have a problem!
  • Shared Principles: When both partners have common principles, then there remains nothing much to fight about. There is no question about partner compatibility in such a case!
  • Body Scent: Scientists have discovered that when you love your partners’ body odor then you are subconsciously attracted to his/her MHC genes. Here, women generally prefer smells of genes that match their father’s scents.
Partner compatibility, at the end of the day, is how we manage it-looking beyond all of our differences and focusing on our ‘win-wins’ together.

You may not always see eye-to-eye, or may not agree on certain topics, but there will be some days when you will look into each other’s eyes and smile!
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