Thursday 26 January 2017


You may have heard about the practice of matching “Janam Kundali” of couples before they get married. Ever wondered what a “Janam Kundali” is and what is its importance?

A “janam kundali” or simply “kundali” of a person is a hand drawn representation of the planetary positions in relation to the date and time of birth of the person, as well as the place of birth of the person. It is used for predicting the person’s bhavishya (future). It is a practice developed thousands of years ago by Indian yogis and is nowadays practiced by Jyotishis (astrologers). The planetary representation consists of the nine astrological planets – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Besides the representations, the kundali also depicts the various planetary combination formed between these astrological planets.


Now, each kundali consists of twelve houses – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The astrological planets mentioned above place themselves in these houses in certain positions, which can be derived from the planetary positions at the time of birth of a person.
A jyotish will analyse the planetary positions in the different houses and their combinations and based on the analysis, will make predictions related to different aspects of one’s life. These planetary positions and combinations provide a picture of the different aspects of a person’s life, such as career, family, wealth, health, marriage, etc. They also determine the qualities and nature of a person during the different phases of his life.

A person’s kundali also holds information about untoward situations that may arise in the future and a jyotish will provide solutions in advance to avoid falling into these situations. Kundalis also help in determining the compatibility of two individuals to enter into a marital relationship.
In Hindu religion, a kundali is made within a few days of the birth of a baby, depicting on paper the planetary positions during the time of birth. But what if you are not a Hindu or if for some reasons, your kundali was not made? How then, can you get predictions to the various aspects of your life using these time tested methods?

Don’t worry. Technology is at your disposal!
Today smart phones play an important role in our lives. So why not use them to know our future?

There are many horoscope apps available nowadays, which requires you to input some basic data; and based on those data, they give predictions about the various aspects of your life such as your career, marriage, health, wealth, family, etc. These horoscope apps provide you with accurate and reliable predictions. And they also provide you with the added advantage of knowing your horoscope sitting on your couch or lying on your bed. Astrology Garden is one such app which provides accurate predictions related to your future and answers your queries with the help of astrology experts.

It is good to be aware of what the future holds so that we can be well prepared for the upcoming situations. So get yourhoroscope and be prepared for the future.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Know The Direction of Your Career Using A Horoscope App

With the beginning of the new year of 2017-18, people are anxious to know what the year has in store for them. Those looking for promotions or for a better job will look out for a career horoscope while those who are looking for a partner or planning to tie the knot this year will definitely consult a love or a relationship horoscope.

Astrology is a gift that our ancestors have provided us and the practice is still prevalent today, even after thousands of years because it works. There may be a lot of naysayers to the previous statement. But the practice of astrology has stood the test of time. And with the increasing focus of people on their careers, career horoscope has emerged and developed as a special branch of astrology.
The careers of people are sometimes like a roller coaster ride. There are ups and there are downs. Consulting a career horoscope will let you know in advance about the ups or downs that you may face in your professional lives. It tells you about new career opportunities that you may come across and also advise you on how to deal with any professional situation.

Technology has grown by leaps and bounds and with this growth, our lives have become much easier. Today we can gain access to whatever information we need through our mobile phones. And you can view your horoscopes too, sitting on your couch. There are many mobile apps available which can let you know about your horoscopes and instruct you on how to deal with any upcoming situation. There are some astrology apps that provide you with detailed insights as regards to your financial horoscope, career horoscope and your love life. Also, there are apps that provide you with a daily horoscope. Astrology Garden is one such app which provides detailed insights as regards to your financial, career, love and family life forecasts.

So, just download a horoscope app on your smart phone and remove your anxieties related to the future of your career.

Monday 9 January 2017

Major Role of Date of Birth in Pregnancy

Major Role of Date of Birth in Pregnancy - Astrology can Help

Children are the best gift of God that completes the couples. The ancient people laid great research on the time of conception of the children. The concept of marriage mahurat was based on some logic so that on the same day the process of a child can take place at the favorable time.

According to the mythology, the child is born twice, first at conception time and secondly, when the time of delivery from the womb takes place.

 Major Role of Date of Birth in Pregnancy

While the conception process took place that lagna is called Adana lagna which rules the next eight months of a pregnancy. If Adana lagna is afflicted during conception, then it may cause major problems during pregnancy time or it can also cause miscarriage.

To get the expected outcome horoscope by date of birth of both the partners needs to be analyzed for couples facing problems in child conceive. If the occurrence of pitra dosha is related to childbirth, it may cause delay and even after taking high-grade medical treatment, you will get negative results.

Astrology and horoscope has some super power and medical science is based on this great science. For child birth, the strength of 2nd, 5th and 10th houses of the couple needs to be analyzed thoroughly. For a girl child, Mercury planet and for a male child Jupiter and Sun should be analyzed. The people who have numbers 2, 5 and 6 in the date of birth usually blessed with daughters and the presence of numbers 1 and 3 in date of birth indicates blessing of a baby boy. The number 8 in date of birth of a couple shows delays in pregnancy and the presence of 7 and 9 indicates miscarriage or caesarian birth.

According to the astrology, different months of pregnancy are ruled by different planets and when these planets get weak cause problems in pregnancy. For instance the Saturn rules the 6th month of pregnancy that mean when Saturn weak will hamper the growth of the child. The strengthening and daan of weak planets helps in yielding impact.

The pregnant ladies should avoid bedrooms placed in SSW (SouthSouthWest), WNW (WestNorthWest) and ESE (EastSouthEast) directions. Also, recommend to check the position of Mars to control of blood pressure and avoid miscarriage.
Get your horoscope by date of birth download app

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